Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I mean April made me do it

O.k. I don't wanna to blog, not bolg, but apparently I'm a little dyslexic. The Devil, I mean April made me create this blog. This is probably the first and last time I will post on it as I am way to lazy. And it's gay.


Deanna said...

Now the devil, I mean April, needs to convince you to post your 8 things and all your deep dark secrets.

April said...

HAH! I told her to expect a comment from Deanna within minutes! LOL

By the way, only high school and college students can say things are 'gay'. Oh, yeah...that's you.

Anonymous said...

Imagine having to grow up under the same roof as She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named during the early years as she experimented with her emerging powers!

Btw, hi Deena! You must keep bolgging b/c you are way too funny not to share with us! :-)

Amy said...

Those freaky cyber-stalkers discovered you and pointed the rest of the world in your direction...Melanie says you're funny (we already knew that), but her comment made me LOL! The power of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named must have given her scientific subject a sense of humor as a weapon...