Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crap, now I have to come up with a prize!

Wow, I can't believe you guys found it so fast. Do you get a e-mail if I blog or did you just stumble on it?? Yes, Deanna is the winner of a fabulous prize since it was so fast. It won't even be dog poop. As far as me blogging every day like I said I would, you both know that was never going to happen. April I try to visit your blog but it hates me. And I do look at Deanna's but I'm too stupid to know how to comment. 1.6 pounds is great if you guys lose it but I want to lose 5 a week but will settle for 3. I know, my expectations are way to high but I can't help it. This week it won't happen because I have been a piggy. We will see if I can lose weight if I have eaten all my extra points.

1 comment:

April said...

Answer to the speed of finding your posts question...Bloglines, bloglines, Bloglines. Go there and download it to your computer, then subscribe to our blogs and you will be notified of any new stuff.

Have you been to my blog lately? I revamped it and it seems to not be causing problems anymore. Let me know if it is still a problem for you.

3 lbs a week is a lot to expect to lose. You know they always say 2 or less is better, but I guess you like to be above average.

I think Deanna does need something better than dog crap...I look forward to seeing what you come up with.